The Plothole

Template:ObjectBacta is a liquid substance that is capable of healing most physical ailments. The more serious injuries will need prolonged exposure to the liquid. Is is usually clear and may look like water. Bacta can be applied in a variety of ways, from bacta tanks to sprays or injections. Bacta can be mixed with other medical mixtures to provide cleaning of wounds or pain relief as well as bacta's healing qualities.





Bacta Tank[]

A bacta tank is a large tank filled with liquid bacta in which a person can be put, where they will float while their body heals. They require a breathing mask to be placed over the face to provide oxygen[CatH 1]. The oxygen mask also pumps out a general anasthetic to render a person unconscious, allowed to wake up only for short periods of time. Bacta tanks are hooked up to machines that will provide read-outs for medical inspection[CatH 2].

Bacta Spray[]

A bacta spray is part of a stormtrooper team's loadout[Int 1]. It can be sprayed onto an open wound and allow it to quickly seal up. It is mixed with disinfectant to clean the wound and numbing fluids to act as painkiller[CatH 3].

Bacta Injections/Intravenus[]

Bacta can be fed into the blood stream via an intravenus drip. Bacta flowing through the blood can reach the internal organs and extremities of the body and thus help to heal most injuries better than the external spray-on bacta[CatH 4].


Britt's Commentary[]

"Bacta is very obviously a mimic of bacta[Ext 1] from the Star Wars[Ext 2] franchise and is meant to work in much the same kind of way, though I created further methods of application beyond the movies' bacta tanks to add variety." - Britt the Writer


External References[]

Internal References[]

  1. Stormtroopers article, Medical Supplies section.

Clear and the Hopeless References[]
