The Plothole

A Planestrider is a person capable of traversing the Multiverse seamlessly and without aid of a device. They can also draw on objects from other universes, copying a universe where the individual has said object and making said object appear in their own universe. Some Planestriders are commonly Planestriders across many versions of reality, such as Iskendriel.



Planestriders are able to seamlessly jump from reality to reality, universe to universe. Every molecule will emerge into existence, giving them a pixelated appearance until fully formed. The world around them would appear pixelated to themselves, likewise, until fully formed. They are able to draw on objects from alternate realities where a version of themself has such an object and copying it. These objects also pixelate into view[Tales 1]. Other beings that travel through the Multiverse are essentially breaking reality to allow their presence, while a Planestrider can jump into a new reality with the usual forcing of reality. Usually only a Planestrider could sense this[Tales 2].



Tales from The Imperium References[]
